Points Marketing Game

Point’s games and uses
Just one more…spin!

Using our Points Marketing Game you will be capable of tracking and totaling points won by players. Each time the play with the same email address points will be added to their account which allows companies or organizations to stimulate players, create healthy competition among teams, generate a product social ‘buzz’, and foster customer loyalty.

Points can be won or earned through specific actions such as loyalty rewards or gameplay. The player then can use such points to win certain prizes or more attempts to play.

Benefits of using a point system:
• Let your players be rewarded just for playing.
• Gather a buzz around your game and brand.
• Foster competition between players.
• Players earn points to use towards prizes or other games.

The Points Marketing Game system builds excitement and a sense of accomplishment to the gamer. With every play, the player feels rewarded for earning points.

This is the formula for a successful game, whereby the player earns points or experience to engage and excite them. Points give the player the feeling of moving forward and accomplishing a goal, and in the end, win a prize or even more points just for participating in the game.

Brand-Gaming offers games with Points Marketing that the players can earn based on the parameters you set. Each time they play with the same email address points will be added to their total score
In other game environments points or experience is earned by the player. The player has a sense of accomplishing something. This engages the player, and creates excitement as well as competition.

If for example, you wanted to have two departments in your organization to compete for prizes. A point game might be perfect to foster friendly competition.

Perhaps you’re a restaurant. You can create points games and have customers compete for prizes. This Points Marketing Game will drive business and create excitement for your brand. This helps generate a social ‘buzz’ or even viral type atmosphere for your brand or business.

It is points marketing on whole new level. Human nature is such that we love to game and compete. It’s in our nature. At the same time while playing games, we want to advance and see what next so to speak. Check out 7 Game-Changing Marketing Trends To Tackle

Having an end goal by using point games will lead to increase brand awareness, and that’s always a good thing.  Everyone wants to be a winner, and they can be using point games. Everyone can win just by playing and accruing more points towards an attainable goal. This goal is set by you, whether its points for free products or discounts.

The gaming industry is a multibillion dollar industry. Games come in all shapes and sizes, and even different platforms. The most successful games are the ones that keep the player engaged, and provide a sense of moving forward or accomplishing something. At the same time, our Points Marketing Game from Brand-Gaming, you are marketing to your players, and even learning about their habits and likes as well as dislikes.

Games can be used for marketing purposes. For example, the United States Army offers a free game that simulates army life and combat. This was used to help drive recruitment up, and it worked. Players had a quality game to play, and the United States Army had a tool to market to potential recruits.

With every generation, marketers have had to adapt to changing demographics. ‘Changing’ with the times so to speak is extremely important in business. Whether it was marketing to Baby-Boomers or Millennials, successful companies need to know their customers and what they want.

Everyone loves a giveaway! The use of our instant win software application to affect consumer behavior is almost without limits, our innovations help businesses engage, attract, interact-with, increase lead generation and so much more.

Gamification is the use of game marketing design techniques to engage audiences. Games are everywhere because they work for businesses of every size.
Our Interactive games are very versatile and capable of 1000’s of interactive promotions.

Brand-Gaming offers these solutions. We can help with customizing your game and provide successful marketing results.

Current Points Marketing Games are the Virtual Prize Wheel, Scratch Off, Slot Machine and The Vault. All play on every device.

Call or email us today, and get in the game!