What can we do for you?
Use this Automotive Dealer Interactive Promotion to:
- Drive People Into Your Website or Automotive Dealer Showroom
- Acquire Leads of Buyers
- Incentive-Based Marketing for Customers or Employees
- Improve Advertising Response Rates
- Endless Creative Marketing Possibilities
Any Automotive Dealer will benefit using a Virtual Prize Wheel or other interactive marketing system is an incentive-based promotion and a very creative tool for both small and large businesses. Virtual games works in various ways to change consumer behavior driving current and or potential customers to your website or location by giving them the opportunity to win prizes and savings. Games can run from your website / mobile phone, big screen, point of purchase counter, trade show event, or retail kiosk. With all our Interactive games, you set the odds, the quantity, and prizes or coupon types.
Games are everywhere because they work for businesses of every size.

Automotive Dealer Marketing Games
Drive the Technology
Try our Demonstrations to fully understand the power of the Virtual Prize Wheel.
Click the Tabs above to play various types of games.
No Data Collection Virtual Prize Wheel Example
Fill your Automotive Dealer Virtual Prize Wheel with valuable prizes or savings and offer this game on a big screen monitor.. This can be a great Point of Sale promotion for additional savings, or perhaps at a company function where everyone gets a Spin on the Wheel!
Data Collection Virtual Prize Wheel Example
This Automotive Dealer Virtual Prize Wheel is working 24/7 acquiring names and email addresses of consumers that are familiar with your brand from your web site. Use this tool to drive people into your showroom with both prizes or savings. There are many types of promotions that can be created.
Play Code Incentive Virtual Prize Wheel System
Customer or Employee Incentive Example:
Employees: Sell X number of Products or Services and they get a code for a Spin on the Prize Wheel!
Customers: Buy X and they get a Spin on the Virtual Prize Wheel for a chance to save or win something
Use the following codes to play. Once a code is used it may not be used again.
Unique barcodes in every email!
Simply upload the codes then each email players receive will show a unique code number or bar code image associated with the prize level they had won. An optional redemption system is available.